Skunks Under a Shed Jackson
Skunks seeking shelter under a shed happens to be one of the most common nuisance complaints we receive. Skunks will utilize cover and shelter moving in and out of areas, and a sheltered elevated shed offers a perfect area for a skunk to feel secure.
Sheds lower to the ground can provide a perfect place for skunks to establish a suitable nesting location to have young. Prompt removal of the skunk is necessary to catch the skunk before it does have young.
How To Close Off Openings Under a Shed
Skunk removal from under a shed is required to put a stop to skunk activity. Shed repair is required to close any perimeter openings under your shed, or anywhere the skunk may burrow underneath. Shed repair should be trenched to be effective, so that even a burrowing skunk will not be able to dig under. Most sheds will be elevated, leaving a large gap usually 1-2 feet in height and varying lengths. Professional assistance from the professionals at Animal Pros is required for a permanent solution.
How To Remove Skunks Under a Shed
Skunks will often utilize openings under a shed temporarily, or if low enough, to set up a nesting location. Removal of nuisance skunks is required to have a stop in odor, or property damage caused by the skunks. Skunks are best caught in a baited live cage trap. But be cautious in trapping a skunk in a cage trap, as this is the best chance for a skunk to spray. Even covering the trap with a blanket will not offer much protection and can also cause the skunk to take aim. Call the specialists at Animal Pros, as we utilize spray proof skunk traps for skunk removal, and safe and effective trapping solutions.