Snakes In Pond
Snakes that happen to be found in your pond in Greater Miami and Florida often are thought, in most cases, to be venomous water moccasins or what’s referred to as a “cottonmouth”. If you have a pond, it is quite likely that at some point you will see a snake in it, Water snakes and water moccasins are both hard to distinguish between the two, often resembling similar colors, patterns, and behavior traits. Both of the snakes will always be found around water sources and pond areas, and especially if multiple snakes or spotted. Common nuisance complaints with snakes in pond areas include:
- Snakes in koi ponds.
- Snakes in farm ponds.
- Snakes in retention ponds.
- Snakes in lake.
Most homeowners and businesses are terrified of snakes, and we receive requests constantly for information on how to discourage snake activity from a pond. Most pawns create a inviting habitat for snakes, and especially water snakes, both venomous and non-venomous. These problems often strike in urban and rule pond and wetland areas. Workers can often be put at risk if working around a retention pond that has venomous snakes in it. Professional assistance is often required, so contact a Animal Pros snake removal specialist today.
How To Get Rid of Snakes Going Into a Pond
Preventing snake problems in or around your pond area often require some sort of habitat modification. Most pond areas will have a readily available supply of fish, frogs, and other animals that snakes will be attracted to. Snake fencing can be effective if ran down to the ground and is in small enough mesh snakes cannot get through. Fencing will need to be around 2 to 3 foot in height. The other option for habitat modification around a pond area would be to cut down and maintain vegetation overgrowth around the edge of the pond. For further assistance in habitat modification for solving your snake problem, contact a Animal Pros snake removal specialist today.