Vulture Control Las Vegas
Vulture Problems are a rising issue, leaving home and business owners little options as Vultures (Black and Turkey Vultures) are protected under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty. Our Certified Specialists at Animal Pros can help with Vulture Problems, and our proven deterrent techniques to alleviate roosting and damage areas.
Vultures love roof tops, building tops, and high vantage points and can often be seen in flocks of 70 or more. Large flocks can quickly damage any structure or roofing, and can create other issues from the amount of droppings left behind. Be pro-active, and do not let damage continue, and call one of our specialists immediately. Our deterrent techniques offer proven results that break the behavior pattern of Vultures, and we offer cleaning, disinfecting, deodorizing, of the affected area as well.
Animal Pros Bird Deterrents are effective and include Bird or Raptor Wire, Shock Track, Tree Shock, Bird Netting, Grid Wire, Laser Deterrent Technology, and more. Each location of damage from Vultures is different, and each deterrent is site specific for best results, and a thorough evaluation of the problem needs to be addressed. Call our Certified Specialists for help with any Vulture Problems for your home or business, and stop the damage before it gets worse.

Shock Strip For Vultures