Bowling Green Skunk Sprayed HVAC Unit or Air Conditioner
The most common call we receive is “Skunks sprayed the air conditioner unit”. In most cases though, this indicates larger problems than just a skunk outside that happened to spray. The skunk spray around a unit usually means a skunk is present in or under your home, and the opening where it is going in and out is by your air conditioner unit. Skunk spray can easily be filtered into your living space especially when your unit is running, making removal of the skunk smell a extremely challenging task. Skunk spray can also affect your crawlspace in addition to your interior, as there are certain materials that will absorb the spray. Materials in a home or under a home that will hold skunk spray will be furniture, fabric, insulation, plastic, leather, clothes, and even carpet. Call the restoration specialists at Animal Pros for complete skunk spray removal from your home and business. Our safe, fast, and effective solutions for skunk removal, skunk spray removal, and disinfecting and deodorizing are proven results that work. Thousands of clients trust Animal Pros and so should you.
Nuisance Concerns When “Skunks Spray Air Conditioner Unit”
When skunks happen to make their presence known around your air conditioner, it will not take long before its noticed. For homeowners, it can come in the middle of the night, and awake you from your sleep. Skunk spray can often be confused for a gas leak, or burning rubber in severe cases. For a business, the smell is usually noticed as employees arrive to begin their day, creating a not so pleasant working environment. Most common complaints from skunks spaying a air conditioner unit include:
- Interior smells like skunks.
- Crawlspace smells like skunk spray.
- Furniture smells like skunks.
- Clothes smell like skunk spray.
- Woke up by a strong skunk smell.
- Cant tell if I smell skunk spray or burning rubber.
- Cant tell if i have a gas leak or its skunk spray.
- Skunks living under air conditioner unit.
With all the issues that can come with skunks spraying a hvac unit, professional help is required. Call a Animal Pros skunk specialist as we are available 24 hours a day or night, and offer immediate service.